You can help my students


One of the reasons I love working in user research is because of our amazing community. We are a group of curious, helpful, supportive and creative peeps that aim to build better experiences and lift each other up.

Since Covid-19, we've demonstrated an even more impressive commitment to support aspiring and more junior UX and UXR practitioners to help them upskill, network and more.

Below is one quick and easy opportunity for you to support, get involved, and help *two very, very special people*.

Margaret Aiken and Vienna Harvey are two of my Ask Like A Pro students working on their own research project to improve their skills. Their target audience are current UXers, UX and UXR managers, and those who want to improve or assess their own UX research skills.

Please show them how awesome our community is and answer their quick 10 question survey. At the end you will have the option to opt into some additional research activities or not. Either way they will benefit. Thank you in advance!


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Look for the middle ground