We are a feedback-obsessed culture

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We are a feedback-obsessed culture. You rate your Uber driver, and s/he rates you. Before you buy a product, you look at the feedback. Before you make a dinner reservation you look at the reviews.

Data is pouring into companies and the public about everything. It comes directly and otherwise. The intent is commendable. But there’s a BIG missing piece.

Most people—and companies—are still learning how to ask the right questions to the right people, at the right time. And once they learn to “ask” well, they still need to understand how to “interpret” that data into insights, actions and outcomes. The skills and expertise that drive user research can fill these voids. This is what a talented design and user researcher does (among many other things).

Is it possible you are collecting data from the wrong people, at the wrong time, and or in the wrong way? Are you confident you know how to act upon the data you are collecting?

Please lmk if you have UXR questions. Approach, methods, recruiting, bias, qual or quant, statistical relevance. How to gauge if you're ready to start conducting the study. Try me.

I’m happy to provide guidance. Seriously, this stuff keeps me up at night!


Feedback please


Design Thinking: Solution Assignments