Curiosity Tank

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UXR Panel Recording

Several people asked if our Tuesday night UXR panel discussion was recorded and how to get access to the recording and resource list. The answer is YES. People who did not complete their registration on Eventbrite can up for those materials in the link below. See my first comment.

The materials will be sent from 'hello[at]curiositytank[dot]com' within the next week or so.

We had 600+ registrants and our pilot panel session went really well! 68 people stayed on for an unplanned Q&A which brought the live discussion to a close after 2 hours of very candid shop talk!

Overall, it was a terrific and varied discussion! Super helpful for any one looking to break in or learn more about user research -- regardless of whether you are coming from academia or not.

If you did attend, would you please share some of your thoughts in the comments below? What were some of your a-ha's? Or biggest takeaways? Which portion really resonated with you?

Again, non-registrants can use the link below to get added to a distribution list for the recording and resources when available. If you already registered via Eventbrite you DO NOT need to add your name to this list. You will automatically receive the materials when available.