The foundation of successful product research studies


Tonight is the second part of our User Research workshop called PLAN. We focus on authoring a research plan with stakeholder buy-in. Why?

Because the research PLAN is the foundation of successful product research studies. Simply put, if you don’t have a few hours to develop a simple plan, you shouldn’t be investing a few hours to run a study!

Developing a plan in concert with your stakeholders (the people who should care most about the outcomes) ensures:

  • Buy-in for the study by making it a collaborative effort (inclusivity equals buy-in)

  • The study’s goals are directly tied to key business metrics (make UXR goals everyone’s goal)

  • The plan captures and shares the team’s collective knowledge about the topic (say no to rework!)

  • Agreement on why the study will be conducted and the key questions (the purpose)

  • Agreement on who is best suited to provide the right feedback (whom you should recruit)

  • Clarity on roles, resources, stimuli, timeline, budget, and deliverables

  • Alignment on the overall course of action and when the learnings will be delivered (how and when)

Want to set yourself and your team up for success? Learn to craft a winning research PLAN with stakeholder buy-in.

Image repurposed from Shopify


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User Research is iterative