Official Launch: PLAN


OFFICIAL LAUNCH: A winning user research PLAN includes stakeholder buy-in and engagement. Want to learn how to craft a winner? Join me for a one-day program that teaches this precise skill.

To me, stakeholder engagement is the single biggest predictor of a study’s success and the PLAN lays the foundation.

My remote, one-day class is unique. It doesn’t merely tell you what to do. You actually roll up your sleeves, and get hands-on, with a specific question and author an actual research PLAN. Your PLAN is more likely to succeed because it will include stakeholder collaboration throughout the process and it will be highly comprehensive.

I'll share:

  • PLANs I’ve authored and executed

  • Why stakeholder collaboration is so critical

  • How to engage during each product development phase

  • How to choose the best methods

  • Where to find and recruit the ideal participants

  • Best practices to minimize bias

Once you know how to PLAN your studies for success, you’ll never again conduct a study in a vacuum or share learnings no one acts upon.

After, use your PLAN to gather feedback, conduct the study or add it to your UXR portfolio to demonstrate your skills.

The next sessions are 3/20 and 4/3.


What expert researchers know


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