Lets get this conversation started!

Lets get this conversation started! Last week LinkedIn recognized me and nine others in the Technology category. Together we are their global 2020 LinkedIn Top Voices in tech! Being the curious cat that I am.

I asked why I was listed in Tech and not Design. The LI editorial team felt I’d have a bigger impact in the Tech category considering User Research is much more understood in the design and UX communities. Thoughtful, right?

So I’ve reflected on how to use this opportunity to make that impact. To help people:

  • Increase their awareness of UX Research

  • Become better consumers of UXR

  • Learn how to ask better questions

  • Make data-driven decisions

  • Support aspiring and growing UX Researchers

  • Connect opportunities with talent

So to begin, please help me raise awareness about user research by completing one of these sentences in the comments below!

There are no right or wrong responses. Let’s get this conversation started!

UXR is powerful because _____

UXR is exciting when _____

UXR is essential _____

UXR helps us _____

UXR taught me _____

UXR provides us _____

UXR is critical to _____

Game on! Let’s build the awareness, and use our voices, together. After all, user research IS a team sport!


Do your questions pass the sniff test?


I’m thrilled and humbled