Join us for a virtual conference!


It's ironic. Those of us who work in UX, user researchers included, aspire to create terrific user experiences. That’s what we do! But what we have done with our own terminology is to create a mess!

Last year I organized an effort with 80+ UXers from around the globe to begin to address this problem. Then my UC Berkeley User Research students took our "UX Lexicon” several steps farther by conducted generative and evaluative research to inform beta versions.

I presented some of this work in London at the Quirks conference in Feb 2020. Then the pandemic hit.

Now I'm thrilled to share that on February 1st Janet Standen and I will share a portion of the "UX Lexicon” during a presentation called "You Say To-may-to & I Say To-mah-to - Is it just a matter of how you say it, or is it the words that you use?” at the QRCA conference. (Qualitative Research Constultants Assoc).

We’ll unveil a sneak peek of 100s+ hours of work along with some fun twists! The conf is fully virtual. We’re on right after keynote!


Early bird discounts end Monday 1/4. If you're new to qual it's only $125 for the whole week!) Should be a good week 9-1pm PST each day! See you there!


Get 25% off my General Assembly class


Take stock and celebrate!