How my daughter’s HW might help you

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My 6 y/o daughter received a HW assignment that might help you unearth specific issues that are troubling your immediate family and colleagues.

She was asked to think about 3 ways her homeschooling or quarantine experience could be better. Then she was asked to use one word to describe each one.

For example, we haven't been able to access some of her online learning tools on her iPad. So she wrote “DreamBox” as one of the things she'd like to have.

Here’s the rub: I had NO idea that that was really bothering her. Only by prompting her to describe three specific things she’d like to change did her actual needs surface.

So many of us are “fine” these days. Yes, we found a corner in which to work. Yes, we know what we are supposed to be doing. Yes, we’re “okay”. But I bet each of us have 3 things we’d like to change… and some of them—with a bit of effort and/or collaboration—we might actually be able to change.

ASK your immediate family and team members. What do they want to change?

Don't spend time thinking about what or how to ASK. Simply come from a place of genuine curiosity, and empathy, and ASK. #uxresearch doesn't have to be rocket science.

P.S. No, you can’t say, “Make this whole thing go away.” That’s cheating.


Bravo Paul Derby!


Nothing compares to having a growth mindset