8 Great UXR Jobs and 13 Ways to Grow

Everyone, and I mean everyone, benefits from learning how to ask better questions. Read on to learn about user research training for teams, connecting with fellow researchers, and about some amazing UXR job openings.

Learn together, grow together


Join me Wednesday when I chat with Prabhas Pokharel from Reduct.video about building training programs for non-researchers. We’ll cover pitfalls and lessons learned, cultural relevance, and why it’s so difficult for teams to do this themselves.

This is a great webinar if you’re looking to accelerate the intake process of new research requests, increase your team's UX maturity, and/or democratize UXR in your organization. Register here to attend the session live and/or watch the recording at your leisure.

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Ready to increase your team's UXR acumen? Looking to spend your remaining professional development funds? Craving a super fun, and unique, team building activity? Check out Curiosity Tank’s corporate workshops. Bring the entire team into the learning process to evoke meaningful change and feel empowered in your everyday decision making.

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What could be better than the gift of growth? Treat yourself or someone else. Share the love with new Curiosity Tank gift cards!

Job board






Speak up, get involved, share the love

And that's a wrap!

We'll alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles and other happenings every few weeks. Thank you for all of the feedback. Feedback is a gift and we received very actionable input on how to make Fuel Your Curiosity more meaningful to you.

What do you think? Lmk. We're constantly iterating and would still love to hear your input.

Stay curious,

- Michele


Look for the middle ground


Upcoming Reduct.Video webinar