5 tips to break into User Research

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Five tips to get more experience in, or break into, User research.

1. Ask yourself if your day-to-day behaviors line up with your goals

  • Is what you say you want correlating to the goal you seek?

  • E.g. Are you actively trying to grow your UXR skills?

2. Develop and articulate a POV on UXR

  • On UX trends and how the industry will evolve over time

  • Who you admire in the space and why

  • How you contribute to the community

  • Why you are an advocate for the people we design for

3. Know your story and your value

  • Find a way to leverage your background

  • Research is in large part about story finding and telling

  • Practice your own story, unique value and approach

  • be able to articulate WHY YOU

4. Gather JDs for the roles you are interested in

  • Analyze the criteria desired

  • Do a SWOT analysis on yourself with those criteria

  • Build a plan to address the gaps and include this work in your portfolio. It shows you’re humble, eager to learn, strategic, and a self-starter

5. Build your network & confidence

  • Your next job will likely come from a connection

Visit CuriosityTank [dot] com/workshops to learn how we approach the above and more. A few Observer seats are still available for the Oct cohort.

image: zoeysattic on Etsy


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