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You’re Invited: Scaleup Impact Summit

YOU’RE INVITED: Next week I am speaking at Hong Kong’s “Scaleup Impact Summit”, a global conference for futurists, entrepreneurs, creators, business contributors and investors. This is the core event of the “Start Me Up” Hong Kong festival!

I’ll be doing a fireside chat with Karena Belin called LISTEN UP!!! User Research Matters! Now more than ever

Then an interactive session called The Exponential Power of UXR: Get Hands-on and Experience It Yourself

This conference is impressive! Over 100 speakers, from 100+ countries, will provide a truly global perspective!!

100 best Scaleups (fascinating line up)
100+ countries
500+ investors
100+ speakers
36 hours
500+ partners
7 different tracks!!

Free and paid tickets available depending on participation level. Discounted pricing ends tomorrow, May 20th. The registration link is in the comments below.

Come check it out!

Claire Calmejane, Yat Siu, Sean O'Sullivan, Esther Wong I am excited to "meet" you and share in this event with you!