Curiosity Tank

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You are on your way. Your day will come.

I see you. I hear you. I salute you.
Big shout out to all of the UX and User Research students looking to improve their skills. It's tough time to break into our industry and it’s surely a strange, weird time in general.

Don't give up. Keep at it. It will pay off. It’s because of you, and your peers, that me and my peers teach, coach and mentor!

We are cheering you on from the sidelines, the classroom, and the board room.

Interacting with you interesting and intelligent beautiful people expands our repertoire of knowledge, insights, and skills. It also broadens our perspectives as we learn from your ideas and experience.

My classes and other interactions with you new and aspiring UXers make me aware of the generational, technological and other differences we face as well as the respect I have for your journey.

This screenshot is from my UXR workshop today. To all of these students, and those of you trying to learn in other ways, thank you.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful minds with me and with others along the journey.

You are on your way. Your day will come.