Curiosity Tank

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Using story arcs as a framework

Story arcs are a framework used to structure UXR interviews with participants. Story arcs:

  • Layout the ebbs and flows of the time spent together

  • Help facilitate the conversation between the interviewer and participants

  • Map out conversations and subsections of each topic we explore

Regardless of User Research topic, or session duration, the Story Arc sequence is consistent.

  • Begin with an intro (introduce yourself and express gratitude for their time)

  • Describe the session's purpose (at a high level)

  • Confirm session length of time (if it doesn't match, you’ll know upfront and can decide how/whether to proceed)

  • Explain how the data will be used and shared

  • Obtain "informed consent" to record (extremely important!)

  • Confirm any legal docs (if applicable)

  • Ask if they have any questions

  • Emphasize there are no right or wrong answers, you’re looking to learn from them (create a safe environment)

PRO TIP 1: Do NOT reveal your contribution to whatever you are gathering feedback about. This may hinder their comfort in providing negative commentary.

PRO TIP 2: After the intro, re-confirm the MUST HAVE recruiting criteria to ensure no one slipped through the screener!

We dive into this, and more, in our INTERVIEW workshop. Learn more at