Curiosity Tank

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This event was incredibly informative and eye-opening

TUESDAY'S EVENT Session 1: Conducting UXR with People who have Visual Impairments was incredibly informative and eye-opening. Massive thanks and appreciation to Fable, Samuel Proulx, and Shane Kehoe CHRP for providing us with demos of their screen magnifiers, voice-assisted technologies, and expertise as blind and visually impaired humans who work in UX and happen to participate in a plethora of accessibility testing!

Sam shared his screen reader in action >> reading at 400-800 words/minute! It was wild to "see" and "hear" how he processes this information. They also shared concrete tips for recruiting, conducting, incenting, and acting upon accessibility research.

The content was top-notch, the attendees' interactions and comments were incredibly inspiring and we left with 28 additional questions to address async.

Samuel Proulx and I are meeting tomorrow to comb thru those questions, then I'll edit them into the love event recording as an appendix. All registrants will receive the event recording and the presentation deck regardless of whether you registered before or after the live event.

SO IF YOU HAVEN'T REGISTERED YET, PLEASE DO SO!! You will get the recording and deck from this session, and well as invitations to participate in the next two sessions, and their recordings and materials.

ALL PROCEEDS GO TO NON-PROFITS that support this critical accessible progress.

$24 tickets away from reaching our $10,000 goal!

Giving Tuesday is next week. PLEASE HELP US
Create more awareness about accessible research, inspire practitioners to be more inclusive, and provide concrete and actionable steps to conduct more/better research!

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD and support our mission by registering here. Even if you cannot join, please support this mission, education AND these great non-profits! >>