Curiosity Tank

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The best reward in the whole wide world

THIS IS WHY I TEACH. I received this email from a student two weeks ago. I am so thrilled for her and proud of her, that I shed a tear! #truthbomb

"I re-reviewed the videos from your workshop series. Over and over again, I found your teachings come up in my interviews and guide my UXR philosophy and the ways I navigated interview questions, take home assessments, and portfolio walkthroughs.

You always stress stakeholder involvement and engagement which I prioritized in my own studies. I heavily emphasized my stakeholder management experience and it really resonated with hiring managers. They were also consistently impressed with my ability to connect research outputs to business goals and truly move teams into action - which, again, is something I learned from you.

I truly believe being able to expound on these themes solidified my position as a standout candidate and thoughtful researcher (plus all the other learnings I've garnered from your workshop, posts, and newsletters). I am thrilled to share that I accepted an offer for a Sr UX Researcher position at an e-commerce startup!! I get to be a full-time UXR!!!! I am so excited for my new role.

I truly believe you have made all the difference in my journey. I'm so thankful and hopeful for what's to come!” - Michelle M

If you are interested in boosting your user research skills please join us to learn more about our unique and extremely successful approach.

YOU’RE INVITED to our “Is Ask Like A Pro Right for Me?” Info session and Q&A with alumni on Tuesday, September 13th. Our TENTH cohort begins later this month. The registration link is in the comments below. I hope to see you there! The recording will also be sent to all registrants.

Knowing something I created has made such an impact is the best reward in the whole wide world ;)