Curiosity Tank

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Take stock and celebrate!

Time to take stock of what you accomplished this year and celebrate yourself!

It’s cathartic. I did this with a colleague last week and was blown away by the outcomes. FOR REALS. We don't celebrate our wins nearly enough!

It’s my goal to lift you up, and inspire you to ask better questions. In this issue of "Fuel Your Curiosity" I challenge you to do this celebratory activity too. Here, the “ask” starts from within YOU.

A template and step-by-step instructions about how we approached it are included.

It's powerful to take this step back and reflect so give your self the peopler space and time to do it.

This issue also links to some #curiositytank 2020 highlights and some of my highest performing #userresearch content (articles, posts, podcasts, and more).

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Regardless, I hope you will take a moment to reflect on YOUR wins. You'll feel like a rockstar you are.