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Recruiting and scheduling best practices

Here are some user research participant recruiting and scheduling best practices. We covered these in the Ask Like A Pro “Orchestrate” class tonight. This cohort is fantastic!

In general:

  • Identify which recruiting criteria you are willing to relax before you begin screening

  • Pilot every single aspect of your study including your note taking strategy

  • Schedule pilots at least two days before the actual sessions begin

  • Do not schedule more than 3 session in any one day

  • Plan for 5-6 people max per segment for usability and 8-10 max for generative research

  • Allow least 30 minutes of buffer time in between sessions, much more for ethnographies

  • Over recruit by @30% to accommodate for no shows

    Watch out for:
    -Participants choosing the first available times (mix up the first available to address this)
    -Time zones (people assume things are in their local time). Use a time zone convertor!
    - Daylight savings (often occurs in different dates in different countries, does not occur in all states)
    -International considerations - local holidays, cultural differences (talking aloud, showing up with a boss, access to technology, focus, UX maturity)

Watch out for:

  • Participants choosing the first available times (mix up the first available to address this)

  • Time zones (people assume things are in their local time). Use a time zone convertor!

  • Daylight savings (often occurs in different dates in different countries, does not occur in all states)

  • International considerations - local holidays, cultural differences (talking aloud, showing up with a boss, access to technology, focus, UX maturity)