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Our 7th Ask Like a Pro cohort graduates!

Thrilled to announce the All-In graduates of our 7th user research "Ask Like A Pro" cohort! These superstars worked their tails off for our two project sponsors UsabilityHub and Team.AI.

While authoring their research plans and recruiting/screening they fought off an organized crime ring in Africa impersonating themselves as qualified candidates with stolen identities from LinkedIn. They also:

  • Participated from Greece, Dubai, Sweden, Turkey, India, New York, California, Oregon, and Nevada.

  • Partnered with one stakeholder in the US and three in Australia.

  • Conducted a whopping 93 interviews across 16 countries receiving up to 424 screener responses (achieving statistical significance).

  • Presented six hours of research shareouts to our sponsors and their global teams.

  • Two received and accepted UXR job offers during the cohort.

Let me tell you these incredible people are hungry, resilient, gritty, dedicated, and OH SO #talented. I could not be happier or prouder of this cohort!

PLEASE JOIN ME in congratulating Victoria Gevärsdotter Yumeng Luo Reynolds Richter Reem Mehdouin Constantina Stratoudaki Jason Larkin Nepunnee Birondo and Geetanjali K. their stupendous achievements - against several challenges!!!

And another round of applause to our 23 Observers as well!!

With "Ask Like A Pro" you get real, hands-on user research experience and mentoring at every step of the way (and sometimes much more)!

Guidance + Practice = Confidence