Curiosity Tank

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Let’s make LinkedIn cold outreach more effective and considerate

I've seen a lot of discussions on LinkedIn about cold outreach requests. As someone who receives numerous requests weekly, here's my perspective. I hope it helps senders and receivers.

Most of the cold requests I get fall into these categories:

  1. "You are connected to X. Will you introduce me?"

  2. "Here is my [non-research or research] portfolio/resume/case study. Will you take a look/provide feedback?"

  3. "I am trying to land an X [non-research or research] role. Will you help me?"

  4. "I'd love to learn more about you. Do you have a few minutes to spare?"

  5. "Are you hiring?"

While there's nothing inherently wrong with cold emails, there are ways to approach them thoughtfully. Here are some elements I wish every cold outreach included:

  • My name (most do not include it at all) so this feels like a request sent to the masses

  • A clear reason why you're reaching out to ME, specifically

  • Only requests relevant to my expertise in (conducting design research, research education, or skill-building which you can ascertain based on my profile and posts). It's obvious many don't take the time to check this out before cold emailing so it's just wasting time.

  • Acknowledgment that your request takes time or would be appreciated

A few important points:

  • I won’t make intro for people I don’t know or can’t vouch for. This includes the requester and the person you are asking me to introduce you to. If I did, it would be a hefty part-time job in itself, my network would quickly become irritated, and I'd be irritated if my peers did this to me

  • I don’t provide feedback on non-research resumes, portfolios, or case studies, as I am not the best person to do this

  • I offer feedback on some design research artifacts and career-related topics through my discounted 1:1 offerings

  • I will gladly respond to a research-specific question (what is the best approach to do X...)

  • It irks me when you get upset if I do not respond within a day! You're asking me to do a favor for you, someone I have no relationship with

  • I offer a plethora of free resources on Curiosity Tank and typically point people there if the request relates to material that cover it

  • I run many workshops on the topics people often ask me about and solicit questions beforehand

  • These workshops offer discounts if you are unemployed or have a vast currency differential

  • I work for a living and balance it with many other aspects of life including helping people I do know

I am trying to help. Many people are trying to help. Please understand that these requests are one of many and takes time away from my/our paying work, students, alumni, family, etc. I appreciate your consideration and understanding.

Cold outreach could be MUCH more effective and considerate for everyone! And would love to hear from others.