Curiosity Tank

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Let’s help Maria!

Maria is interviewing for a user research position at a well known organization. She is asked to think about how she might measure her team’s productivity software. She considers:

  • The benefits to the sales team to assist in new client conversations

  • There’s likely a lot of academic papers on the topic

  • Learnings could impact product, marketing, sales, and other internal practices

  • Whether someone is asking for this specifically IRL, or not

  • That everyone probably wants it.

What else should Maria consider? And why?

  • The time frame to do the study

  • The level of confidence desired

  • What research may already exist on the topic

  • This project is really undefined

  • Focus is on building buy in

  • Find out how this can be applied

  • What partnership can you form to help tackle this (data science partner?)

  • Ensure there is stakeholder alignment and a specific partner in product

  • Have conversations before writing a brief

  • Make sure there is a sponsor and business goal alignment

  • Clear outcomes

  • Scope is overwhelming/ focus the questions

  • Break it out into multiple phases over time

  • Consider the first milestone to impact

  • And commit to a series of smaller scope
    > Consider how the research will be applied

  • How to get team to stay engaged

  • What business goals this might support

  • Something else?