Learn how to create UXR case studies that get you hired
PLEASE JOIN US: We're thrilled to announce the next user research Expert Training Series event with Andrew Warr on July 11th!
Let's face it, design and user research case studies and portfolios are challenging to create, present, and update. They can be often controversial too. In this Expert Training Series session, Andy Warr, Research & Insights Leader at Dropbox, will share HIS OWN case studies, lessons learned building UXR portfolios, tips to compile UXR portfolios that will get you hired, and what hiring managers look for in a UXR portfolio.
You’ll learn:
What are case studies and why are they important
Why it’s hard to find good examples
How to choose which projects to create case studies about
Decision-making criteria for inclusions and exclusions
How to apply Andy's outline formulas
Best practices for sharing and password protection
How to protect and talk about confidential information
Tips for creating case studies from scratch
Tips for creating case studies when you want to pivot