Curiosity Tank

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Join us today for Session 2 of Conducting Accessible UXR

PLEASE JOIN US! This morning, from 9 - 10:30 am PST, we hear from Meryl Evans (deaf) and Nikki Nolan (she/her) about their experiences with invisible differences. This is the second session in our Conducting Accessible UXR || Event Series brought to you by Curiosity Tank and Fable.

Together we have raised over $7400 for causes to related non-profit organizations to further our combined commitment to help shift the User Experience / UX Research community’s understanding and awareness of this very important topic!

Single tickets are $10, the 3-part series ticket is $24. All proceeds go to related non-profits. PLEASE SUPPORT US! The Eventbrite registration link is

Invisible differences – such as sensory, learning, and cognitive – are part of a spectrum of experiences for which there’s no singular solution for accommodation. So how can user experience research practices aim for accessibility for all?

Join us to discuss important strategies for conducting user research with people who have a spectrum of invisible differences. There are no one-size-fits-all accommodations, but experts Meryl Evans and Nikki Nolan share their best practices for both living with their own invisible disabilities and working with this important population. Curiosity Tank founder and UX researcher and educator Michele Ronsen lead the discussion.

Topics we’ll cover:

  • How accessibility accommodations benefit more than the targeted audience

  • Differences within invisible differences (and the accommodations they need)

  • Involving people with invisible disabilities throughout the development process

  • Inclusive writing for people with cognitive differences

  • Working with and leveraging internal Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

  • Self Identification within the disabled community and key terms

This morning's event proceeds benefit Knowbility whose mission is to ensure equal access to technology for people with disabilities.

All registrants will receive a recording of the event and a copy of the presentation deck from Curiosity Tank. NOTE: A recording of the event and related materials will be sent to registrants from Curiosity Tank. Recordings will be sent to those who register both before and after the live sessions take place. Registrants do not need to attend the events live. Those who do join live will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact in real-time.