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Do you include links to academic articles?

Do you include links to academic articles in your industry research shareouts? Here is the context from one of my Ask Like A Pro student projects:

She ran a study to determine motivation contributors and detailers when applying for scholarships.

One theme is “pleasure during the process".

”Psychological theory has found there are two types of motivation - extrinsic motivation, where a behavior is performed because an external reward is expected in return, and intrinsic motivation, where a behavior is performed because the behavior is enjoyable in itself.

Participants mentioned that they were more motivated to work on applications that had components of intrinsic motivation - where the process of writing the application was in itself enjoyable, prompting a sense of internally-generated reward independent of whether an external reward occurred. (Self determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000))"

As someone to transition into research from the design side, it wouldn’t occur to me to include such links. And I’m not confident the stakeholder would read or care about the extra information.

So... I’m interested to learn how many of you, if any, include such links to academic research - specifically?

And or if you include these academic research links in your case studies, or not?

Pros/Cons/ Other thoughts? Let's discuss!

*****EDIT: I am not asking about links to other related research you or your team have conducted or other industry-related data that you've triangulated. This question is specifically about linking academic research to industry shareouts and or including these academic links in case studies. TY!