Curiosity Tank

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Announcement: an “Ask Like a Pro” partnership

ANNOUNCEMENT: I’m thrilled to announce that Curiosity Tank is partnering with Reduct. video to sponsor four fantastic opportunities for our Ask Like A Pro students!

Our Ask Like A Pro students are working on real Reduct research projects, collaborating with Reduct stakeholders, and exploring actual Reduct opportunities and problem spaces!

The students will "learn by doing” and create a case study to share as they continue on their professional UXR journeys. Reduct will be able to make more informed product decisions about the topics we explore as a result of this collaboration.

Two students are working on generative research and two are working on evaluative research. I’m involved to guide and mentor very step of the way. We are ALL thrilled with the trajectory so far!
If you are unfamiliar with Reduct. video I encourage you to check them out! Their video editing and transcription platform make and creating highlight reels from research interview sessions A SNAP.

FYI - I feel in love with Reduct upon my first use in 2019 and I have been singing their praises ever since. I could not be more thrilled to partner with an organization that shares our commitment and values to help user researchers THRIVE.