Curiosity Tank

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A UX challenge bank

In the user experience and UX fields, there often are design or research exercises that employers ask job candidates to complete. They're asked to solve a challenge or problem, to demonstrate their skills.

This practice is very controversial because it’s illegal to ask candidates to work for free on a problem related to the company’s actual business, but a lot of companies do it anyway.

While I understand an employer’s right to understand a candidate’s expertise level, no one should be forced to work for free.

So my question is... what if we collected real design and research challenges from people who could actually benefit from them, and then companies could pick and choose from a design exercise bank?

The candidates would feel better about doing the challenge, and could use the challenge in their portfolios. The companies get their answer, and society benefits.

To be frank, I don’t have the bandwidth to build such a social good bank. Maybe you do? If so, I’ll be thrilled to help you promote it, and can certainly advise you.

Any takers?